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Caring for Tourmaline: Tips for Maintenance and Longevity

Tourmaline, with its array of colors and unique properties, is a gemstone cherished for its beauty and versatility, and it is my favorite gemstone to source and create with. Whether you own a solid color, bicolor, or tricolor tourmaline, proper care is essential to maintain its luster and brilliance over time. As a jewelry designer passionate about tourmaline, I believe in sharing practical tips on how to care for tourmaline effectively, ensuring your pieces remain stunning for lifetimes to come. Understanding Tourmaline Varieties Tourmaline comes naturally in almost every hue imaginable, ranging from vibrant pinks, and greens to deep blues and rich yellows and every color in between. Solid color tourmalines are uniform in hue throughout the stone, while bicolor and tricolor...

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Save The BEES! Bumble Bees as Artistic Inspiration

As a jewelry designer deeply connected to nature, I find myself continually drawn to the fuzzy beauty and profound significance of the humble bumble bee. These industrious creatures are not merely subjects of artistic inspiration but serve as vital pillars in our ecosystem, playing a crucial role in the pollination of plants and thus sustaining global biodiversity. In the delicate balance of our natural world, bumble bees are not only a source of creative inspiration for my jewelry designs but also powerful symbols of our interconnectedness with nature and the urgent need for conservation efforts. Bumble bees, along with other pollinators, are essential for the reproduction of numerous plant species, including many fruits, vegetables, and wildflowers. Their ability to transfer pollen...

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Discovering Design Inspiration in Colorado Springs - My Favorite Places

Having wandered through the rugged landscapes of Colorado Springs, I've found that nature here isn't just scenery—it's provides profound inspiration, particularly for crafting nature-inspired jewelry. Each place I've explored, from the tranquil Palmer Lake reservoir to breathtaking Lake Haiyaha and the iconic Garden of the Gods, has left an indelible mark on my creative spirit.   Lower Columbine Trail: Walking the wildflower trails, I've been overwhelmed by the kaleidoscope of colors that can be found in a beautiful wildflower field. The delicate columbines, vibrant sunflowers, and elegant lupines have sparked ideas for jewelry designs that capture their beauty. From petal-shaped pendants to intricate floral motifs, each piece reflects the vibrant hues and delicate forms of the various local flowers as well as the bees, bugs and...

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Your 14K Gold Jewelry: What NOT to Do!

14K gold jewelry is a perfect choice for its balance of durability, quality, and appearance. However, to maintain its luster and longevity, it's important to avoid certain chemicals and activities that can damage the metal or diminish its shine. Here's a guide on what NOT to do with your 14K gold jewelry. Avoid Exposure to Harsh Chemicals One of the primary threats to your 14K gold jewelry is exposure to harsh chemicals. These substances can cause tarnishing, discoloration, and structural damage. Here are some specific chemicals to avoid:1. Chlorine: Found in swimming pools and hot tubs, chlorine can cause a chemical reaction that weakens the structure of gold, leading to cracks and breaks over time. Always remove your jewelry before...

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Insuring Your Valuable Jewelry for Travel: A Smart Move for Peace of Mind

Traveling with valuable and sentimental jewelry is a joy AND a source of anxiety. Whether it's a family heirloom, an engagement ring, or a one of a kind piece of fine jewelry bought to commemorate a special occasion, the fear of loss, theft, or damage is real. This is where insuring your valuable jewelry becomes essential. Here’s why and how to ensure your precious pieces are protected while you’re on the go. Why Insure Your Jewelry for Travel?1. Protection Against Theft Jewelry is a prime target for thieves, especially when traveling. Airports, hotels, and tourist attractions are hotspots for theft. Insuring your jewelry means that if it is stolen, you can recover its financial value.2. Coverage for Loss It’s easy...

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